League Performance Bond
$100 per team
- Must be paid up in full prior to play in the league the next season.
- Some negligent teams may owe more than the $100.00
- If your team leaves the league you will be refunded the remaining balance upon the team captain’s request prior to
May 1 of the following season.
The following will actions will be deducted from your Performance Bond:
Attendance - $20.00 per occurrence
- Attending league meetings
- Attending league scheduled activities
- Helping at any other function as asked upon by the executive
Stats Submission - $5.00 per game - $10 per week/double header
- All game stats must be submitted via the website to the league prior to the end of the Sunday of that week. A
condition is that they must have the proper information on them: Date, Diamond, Teams Playing, and Winning Team.
- Please look at already submitted score (if opposing team completed) prior to submitting to avoid mismatch
scores. If scores are mismatched- please contact league executive to correct
Game Forfeits/Defaults - $25.00 for each occurrence
- A team is in default if it has not fielded a team within 15 minutes of the scheduled starting time. In the event
of a doubleheader, a team has an additional 15 minutes to field a team before it is in default of the second game.
- A team can cancel a game and give the points to the opposing team with 48 hours notice to the opposing team and the
Schedule Supervisor, and not lose any part of its performance bond.
- Teams must inform league executive of ALL game cancellations to utilize diamonds and to avoid further fines.
If you are unable to play on a scheduled FB diamond please let the scheduling coordinator know a week in advance
so other teams can utilize the diamond.
Tournaments - $50.00 per occurrence
- A team is not eligible to play in any of the league tournaments until all outstanding balances have been paid.
- If a team drops out of a tournament after the commitment date.
- If a team does not show up for their Sunday morning game at a tournament; that team is also out of the tournament.
- If a team forfeits any game during the tournament.
- If your team is kicked out of the tournament.
Conduct - $25.00 per occurrence
- Fighting
- Inappropriate on field behavior (For example: dry humping members on the opposing team, dancing on top of the dugouts,
walking/standing on top of fencing)
- Teams leaving garbage in their respective dugout
- NO Stunting or 4 X 4ing anywhere in the park
Fastball Diamond use:
- If you miss a scheduled game on a fastball diamond if applicable. If your team cannot make a scheduled game
on the fastball diamond, you MUST notify the league executive at least one week in advance so another game can be
scheduled there.
- Teams failing to enter the fastball diamonds through the main gate on the south side of the park.
- Climbing over the fencing
- Throwing equipment, people, or coolers over the fencing
- There is also an executive discretion for anything else that is deemed inappropriate with in the park.
Glass bottles - $25.00 per occurrence
- Bottles of any kind are prohibited at the diamonds (coolers can be poured into a plastic cup but the bottle must be
appropriately discarded).
Dogs out at the diamonds - $25.00 per occurrence
- Dogs must be on leash at all times. Dogs are not to be running on the ball diamond or wandering around the park.
If your dog barks excessively leave it at home.
- People must clean up after their dogs
- Do NOT abuse these rules or we will go back to No dogs allowed.